Donate to RISE Palestine
Palestinian tech workers and entrepreneurs affected by the war on Gaza need emergency grant support.
The RISE Palestine initiative is raising $3,000,000 to support Palestinian tech talent and startups. Upon raising a minimum threshold of $500,000, RISE will begin soliciting funding applications from startups and disbursing aid. The program will extend support for a period of six months to a year, depending on the needs and availability of funds. The program consists of two types of grants: “TEAM Grant” and “Startup Grant.”
Bank of Palestine has committed $150,000 to support the RISE Palestine initiative.
Startup Grants
Up to $50,000 per startup
Targeting 50 early-stage startups, serving pre-seed early-stage startups with vital operational costs to ensure their survival and growth.
TEAM Grants - Company Stipend
Up to $10,000 per tech company
Targeting 50 established tech companies in Gaza, the West Bank, and East Jerusalem to compensate for lost income due to unfulfilled or canceled client contracts due to the war on Gaza and violence in the West Bank.
TEAM Grants - Freelancer Stipend
Up to $1,500 per tech freelancer
Targeting war-affected freelancers in Gaza, the West Bank, and East Jerusalem to compensate those who are unable to work with clients due to the war.