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Support Palestinian
Startups and Tech Teams ​

Be part of the relief & recovery efforts led by Bank of Palestine to sustain tech ventures affected by the war on Gaza.

Before the war on Gaza, efforts to build the Palestinian innovation and startup ecosystem were underway to shape a better future. The Gaza tech economy was thriving despite years of siege, isolation, deprivation, and unimaginable adversity. Young Palestinians in Gaza and the West Bank have showcased remarkable resilience and entrepreneurial spirit. Over the past 16 years of blockade, Gazans embraced technology and innovation. Despite all obstacles, they managed to work with international companies and launch startups with global ambitions. However, the recent war on Gaza and the increased violence in the West Bank continue to have a devastating impact on Palestine’s people, infrastructure, and the economy.

The RISE Palestine Initiative

The RISE Palestine initiative is raising $3,500,000 to support Palestinian tech talent and startups. Upon raising a minimum threshold of $500,000, RISE will begin soliciting funding applications from startups and disbursing aid. The program will extend support for a period of six months to a year, depending on the needs and availability of funds. The program consists of two types of  grants: “TEAM Grant” and “Startup Grant.”

Bank of Palestine has committed $150,000 to support the RISE Palestine initiative.
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We are raising 
$3,500,000 for impact
grants to support war-affected tech talent and startups

Palestinian tech workers and entrepreneurs affected by the war on Gaza need emergency grant support.


Startup Grants

Up to $50,000 per startup, targeting up to 50 early-stage startups in the tech sector.


TEAM Grants - Company Stipend

Up to $10,000 per company, targeting up to 50 established companies in the tech sector.


TEAM Grants - Freelancer Stipend

Up to $1,500 per freelancer, targeting hundreds of freelancers in the tech sector.

The SAFE Palestine Bridge Finance Initiative

The SAFE Palestine initiative is raising $5,000,000 for bridge equity investments for Palestine’s most promising startups that have already demonstrated significant traction and/or raised institutional capital. SAFE Palestine will deploy up to $200,000 to each eligible startup through a special purpose vehicle using Simple Agreements for Future Equity (SAFEs) to extend their runway for an additional nine months.

Bank of Palestine has committed $500,000 to support the SAFE Palestine Bridge Finance Initiative. In addition to its own investment, the Bank is covering all setup and management costs for investors, who will receive 100% of all proceeds from the SAFE Palestine bridge finance vehicle

We are investing in Palestinian proven innovators to sustain them through this crisis. They are critical to Palestine’s national economic future.

Get Engaged Today

Join us in supporting startups, tech companies, software developers, online freelancers, and Palestine’s leading innovators and entrepreneurs weather this unprecedented crisis.

RISE Palestine Partners

Together, our united efforts will reinforce Palestine’s resilient innovation and startup ecosystem.